Yap .001
I always wanted to start a podcast, but everyone does it and I don’t like the sound of my voice nor think my opinion matters do I think I could rant like tim dillon, no but am I fat, gay, or pessimistic maybe 1 of the 3 sure i think my brain functions at a higher capacity than most people but i grew up around upper middle class probably even some were probably apart of the 1%, you know the ones that didnt go to work on 9/11 class… the biggest reason I wanted to start Sick People is to talk to SICK people & for hopefully an inevitable Pfizer sponsor where I’ll abandon the lower class & my listeners & truly change my values realizing how minuscule mexican americans in san antonio struggling with poverty and addiction lives TRULY don’t matter & I care so little I’ll blatantly rub it in your face with the help of mass social media mis & disinformation campaigns.
If some whore mom can interview drake & some guy can act like retarded, Donald Trump while getting back shots from what I can only assume was Dwight Howard can get you famous… I should be able to be confident enough to talk my shit… hopefully at the very least that will justify my inevitable 3 blog, or spotify or youtube views.